I've been busy over the last couple of weeks, but in a tech way, rather than a creative way.
I now have a website specifically for my knitting patterns and pattern related tutorials.
You can find it here www.lovefibres.com
It still needs a lot of tweeking and the banner is only temporary until I can make a better one, but it serves the purpose I wanted it for - to have all my patterns in one place, both the freebies and the paid for ones. The tutorials will be added gradually. I'm hoping they will become a sort of reference library where you can check out any techniques used in my patterns. I know some people like to have the tutorial right on the page in the pattern, but other customers find this makes the pattern unnecessarily long, so hopefully this will be a good compromise.
If you have any suggestions as to what to include in the tutorials, please let me know.
At present the photos of the patterns link to my Etsy website, but I could easily change the links to other platforms that I sell on if I wanted or needed to.
After wrestling with all that technology, I'm really looking forward to a bit of time relaxing with my knitting!