I am really pleased that I found a good use for the 4ply mercerised cotton yarn that needed using up. I pared a bootie pattern down to the very basics to make this a quick to knit baby sock. There is nothing fancy about this - no little cuff, no cute patterning - just a basic sock that, hopefully, will stay on as well as any sock stays on a wriggling, kicking baby!
Once I had the pattern sorted, they took no time at all to knit. I would knit during a coffee break mid morning, one with a cup of tea in the afternnoon and then sew them up in the evening.
They are knit flat. I experimented with finishes. I tried a three needle bind off, kitchener stitch and a regular cast off and seaming.
I went for the regular cast off in the end. It was the quickest to work, and being 4 ply I could get the seam nice and flat. If I was making them for my own grandkids I would probably uses Kitchener stitch (there are plenty of Youtube tutorials out there for this if you've never done it before- it's also called grafting. You can hardly notice the join when it's done, but it does take time and effort)
I was really pleased that I mangaed to get 5 little pairs of socks out of the nearly full ball of 4 ply yarn that I had.
I've written up my pattern for these and you can download the PDF here
I've also added it to the Knitting Patterns bar at the top of the blog, so you can access it even when this post is well and truly buried under a pile of others.
Happy knitting!