About Me

My name is Julie and I'm an obsessive knitter, quilter and stitcher.
I learned to knit and sew at an early age. I think it's in the blood.

My gran sewed sailor's uniforms during the war and although she was too old to use it by the time I
remember her, I loved to sit and "pretend" at her treadle operated sewing machine which stood in pride of place in the house.
I grew up watching (and helping) my Mum make a large proportion of the clothes we wore, from fully co-ordinated holiday wear...

to dresses for the Mother and Daughter competition!!!
and ballet dresses for the annual production.
I always had the job of gathering all that netting by hand!!

 I remember being the only girl in my class with a home made school dress and hand knitted school jumper. I hated it!!!... just because it was slightly different colour to everyone else's. 
I took sewing classes right up to leaving school, learning the correct way to do things, and I was ambitious enough to make my own wedding dress.
I made my first quilt when I was expecting my first child. Whatever did I do with that quilt? I wish I had kept it.
Although I was a teacher by profession, my last job was in the UK craft industry, demonstrating products and writing magazine projects. I'm now retired and spend more time "making stuff" than ever before. For some reason I always get my best ideas in the shower and I always have many projects on the go at once.
When I haven't got a needle of some sort in my hand I enjoy gardening, trying to live organically, walking and making hand bound journals.

I sell my own designs of patterns on Etsy, Craftsy, Ravelry and LoveKnitting.

You can find me on Instagram @mackandmabel for quilt related posts
                                                 @lovefibres for knitting

If you need to contact me please do so at julietaylor266(at)gmail.com


  1. Hi Julie, it's Sarah from Quilt Candy, it's lovely to 'meet' you and learn more about you. I am very excited to be in my very first bee, and I'm sending to you first ekk! I have no idea (yet) what I am going to do, but I'm looking forward to getting started! Speak soon, Sarah x

  2. I just discovered you by clicking on your lovely jelly roll quilt. I would like to know what jelly roll fabric you used and if it's available, I clicked on your Pinterest button and I fell in love with all your boards!! Your pins speak to my heart. *sigh. Best Regards, a new follower, Michele DG

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love your story! Every sewer has a story and yours is just lovely. Thanks for sharing

  5. I like getting to know more about you. I also knit and quilt. My mom taught me to sew and quilt. She made most of our clothes. I do my piecing and quilting by hand.

  6. I love the title of your site, I am from the USA but I was able to go to UK to see Michael Ball. He is going to perform in a musical Mack & Mabel a USA musical in Chichester.

  7. Hi Julie, I just stumbled upon your blog, and it's wonderful. I also learned to sew from my Grannie :-). Lovely to meet you!

  8. I, too, am very, very impressed with your blog and your creativity!! Keep the posts coming!

  9. Hi Julie, I see that your history and mine are very alike!! I learned to sew on my gran's old treadle machine and also had homemade clothes. My mom was an avid knitter so I learned that from her. I have just read your knitted flower and I love your sense of humour!! First time I ever had a laugh or two reading a knitting pattern!! Thank you. Betty Gillatly


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