Friday 15 January 2016

10 Minutes a Day in 2016

Hi! and welcome to my first post of 2016.
This is going to be a busy year!
I have such plans for my pattern designs, both knitted and quilted, I'm going to become a grandparent for the first time and I'm going to do a lot of travelling. It's going to be a lot of fun!

Knowing what was ahead, I started to be careful what I committed to towards the end of last year. 
The usual rounds of quilt alongs and swaps needed be declined. It was hard to say no, but its no good agreeing to do something if I don't have the time to see it through.

My little grandson will be born any day now, and I've been busy making organic baby clothes, blankets, fitted crib sheets, all of which I'll show you in another post. I've been to Toronto to help his Mum and Dad get their house ready for his arrival, and I'll go again as soon as he is born.
I've managed to keep up with some of the groups I'm in, but deadlines are hard, especially when you're not even on the right side of the world.

My sewing has to be done as and when it fits into my schedule this year, but I don't want to give up on the things that are important to me, like making quilts for Siblings Together.
Last year I made several for them, including this one.

and this one.

It was whilst I was rushing around trying to complete everything I'm committed to for this month, that I had an idea. Just because I can't commit to deadlines, doesn't mean I can't still make a Siblings Together quilt or two. I just need to make it slowly, on my own, rather than as part of a group where I might let people down.
I looked at my stash of scraps. Its huge!

I keep even the tiniest pieces. I have this box full of odd size little scraps. They are so little they usually get rejected whenever I'm hunting for pieces for a specific quilt bee block.

I have this box full of squares I cut over a year ago in preparation for a postage stamp quilt. Those little pieces are just 1.5" square! The quilt of course never got started!

I have Jelly Rolls that I've never used and lots of blocks that were either experiments or just didn't make the cut when I was making previous quilts.

So my plan is to try to spend just 10 minutes a day, or an hour a week, sewing up the scrappy pieces into a scrappy quilt for Siblings Together. They will be simple blocks that take no thought or preparation - nine patches and string blocks. Anyone can find 10 minutes a day, surely. I'm not putting any pressure on myself. If it doesn't get done, or I'm away, then no worries. But when I can I shall put that 10 minutes to good use. 
A 10 minute coffee break spent chain piecing. Getting up 10 minutes early and cutting up some scraps. Doing 10 minutes sewing before I go to bed. 10 minutes sewing instead of 10 minutes on social media.

Its surprising just how much you can get done in 10 minutes. 
I chain pieced 40 postage stamp pieces into twos yesterday. 
I made them into 20 four patches today!

To keep myself accountable, to spur myself on, and hopefully to encourage someone else to do the same, I'm documenting my progress on Instagram (I'm mackandmabel). I shall be using the hashtags
#10forsiblingstogether and #10minutesaday

I'll share progress on this blog from time to time when there is more to see.
If you have scraps to spare why not join me!

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  1. That's a good approach. If I have a major task ahead I estimate how long it will take and do it in small timed segments. It definitely helps.

    1. That's a great way to tackle things,Una. I'm usually the "leave it till he last minute and then blitz it" sort of person. It doesn't always work!!

  2. It's a brilliant idea, surprisingly I don't have a huge amount of scraps but I'm thinking about how I can use the 10 mins a day approach to making an ST quilt.

    1. It's amazing what you can done, Maria. I'm hoping once I've got a bit more to show for my daily 10 minutes I can do you a blog post on it for Siblings Together

  3. Thanks for this. It's a wonderful way of getting the job done. Now I'm going to do the same: 10 minutes for quilting scraps and 10 for knitting from my stash. Wow - I feel productive already!

    1. I think I need to do the same for my knitting scraps too, Frances!

  4. What a good idea Julie! You can get a lot done in 10 mins if there are no distractions!

    1. Yes, distraction in the form of little ones could completely eliminate those 10 minutes, Sarah!

  5. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!Have a nice day my friend!!!!Kisses!!


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