Sunday 16 November 2014

Little Christmas Stockings

There is still more sewing knitting than sewing going on around here at the moment, and this week I've been making these. Lots of them! There is a local Christmas craft fair in aid of Leukaemia & Lymphona Research in a couple of week's time and although I already have a bag stuffed full of crafty goodies to donate, I'm trying to see how many of these little stockings I can make before the deadline (why am I always such a last minute Larry!)
Last year I made them into a wreath, which sat over the fireplace and received no end of lovely comments. 

This time round, I'm just making the stockings. I suspect the craft fair organiser might sell them ready filled with sweets. 
If you fancy having a go, then I have a free pattern for them HERE
They are a simple design, knit flat on 2 needles. Worked in double knit yarn they finish up at 14cm (5") tall

The decoration around the top is added afterwards using duplicate stitch. It's also known as swiss darning. Why, I don't know. It conjures up all sorts of images in my head of young goatherds wandering over the mountains with the most elaborately darned socks and jackets imaginable!!
There is a complete photo tutorial on how to work the stitches included in the pattern.
There are instructions for all the designs shown above, but I suspect once you get going you can dream up whole load more of your own.



  1. Love those little stocking they are so cute. :)

  2. These are gorgeous! I put out a plea for people to knit a similar design for the charity I work for, and have received an incredible 175 so far!! Am going to put chocolates in and hang them on a tree at a Christmas market stall... Your post reminded me I should try and get a photo of them all together.

    1. Oh wow! That's amazing. People are amazingly generous aren't they. I hope they sell well on your stall.

  3. How gorgeous are these? Might make some stocking bunting ... just need 6 more weeks to be added to the calendar :)

  4. Oh I adore these! What a shame I've not got a clue how to knit a thing!! I love them on the wreath, they look fantastic. Thank you for the pattern, maybe one day I will attempt them!!


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