Thursday 19 June 2014

My Life in Lists

Life is fun filled and action packed at the moment and I have a lot of very enjoyable projects that I'm mid-way through, or committed to in the near future. Trying to prioritise which to do when could be quite a headache, but I want to enjoy all these projects so I resort to writing myself lists.

I have lists for the garden jobs, lists for the household chores and a lovely long list for the crafting projects.
Love them or hate them, lists certainly do keep you focussed and I love being able to cross off an item or two at the end of the day (or week!)
I'm quilting a king size quilt for a friend at the moment. It's a lot of work. To make sure I don't fall out of love with this I need to quilt it in small doses, so it stays on the list, and I just do a little a day.

I've also been working on a new knitting pattern, but just for the time being I need to put this on the back burner whilst I get more pressing things done. It stays on the list though, so it doesn't get forgotten. It's a good thing to do when I sit down in the evening.

The charity sewing isn't needed until October, so nothing to show yet, but it's on the list so that I start to plan in my head what I'm going to make.

The most urgent projects on the list are the ones for my son and his fiancee's wedding, which is in August. Aah! just a matter of weeks away!
I have hessian table runners with lace trim to make. No pictures to share yet, I'm afraid.
I also have six lengths of wedding bunting to make.
Laura has chosen the fabrics from my copious stash - well, why go shopping when your soon-to-be mother-in-law has a whole room full of fabric!
I've got as far as cutting out the pennants and ordering the bias tape. I've had to buy it  by the roll!!

She's chosen some gorgeous prints and this is going to be the most fun project ever.

I also have to help her make a dress for her honeymoon (Oops! forgot to put that on the list!)

It's going to be very pretty and it will suit her so well, but this is not, in my opinion, a beginner pattern as it says on the front. We've had to do quite a lot of alteration and I've ended up completely re-drafting the armhole.
Just in case you couldn't guess, my favourite project on the list is the bunting!

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  1. The bunting is so cute! What's the fabric with little squares on?

    1. It's called Squared Elements and comes in lots of colours. You can find it at Village Haberdashery -

  2. Lists on paper are often much more motivating than the ones that flounder in my head! I for one cannot wait to see that finished bunting. Nothing like a firm deadline!

    1. So true! I'll be sure to post some photos when it's done.

  3. Lists are such wonderful things, I'd be lost without mine too! But what fun things you have on your crafty lists so hope you enjoy all that making and ticking off. Have a happy weekend, enjoy the sunshine. xx

  4. Can't wait to see the finished bunting! Thanks for sharing what you're working on!

  5. Just started to follow your blog because of the interesting mix of projects and patterns. I loved the quilting bee too and will be following Glinda too.


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