Thursday 10 April 2014

A Quilted Notebook Cover

A couple of weeks ago I was going to meet up with some online quilting Bee friends for the weekend. We were all very excited and we were going to give our completed quilts to their respective owners. Sadly the day before the shenanigans,  Jen  our dear and generous host fell over whilst buying the food for us. She badly broke her shoulder and has been in a lot of pain since. We will get together another time, but first we had to try and cheer Jen up!! We very swiftly made a small quilted wall hanging -  one block each, in her favourite colours.
Here is mine:

I also made her a little notebook cover. Probably not the smartest idea, as I guess she finds writing very difficult at the moment, but it will keep until she is better.
I quilted it very simply with straight lines on the bottom and zig zags on the top half.
It is so easy to quilt zig zags on polka dot fabric.You literally just join the dots!!

 I appliquéd her initial on the front.

Added the inner sleeves (sorry, forgot to photograph that bit) and the job was done!

I know Jen loved her presents, and we will still get to meet up and swap quilts one day when she is better. This was the first time I had joined a quilting Bee , and I'm so pleased I did. I have made a lot of wonderful friends and tried quilting techniques and block designs that I may not otherwise have tried. A big thanks to our Queen Bee  Maria who put the blocks together and quilted it.
You can see our finished wall hanging on her blog
We couldn't have done it without you Maria!

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  1. What a shame Julie, I hope Jen recovers quickly and is not in too much pain. It was so nice of you all to make her such lovely gifts, I'm sure she was very touched. The notebook cover is beautiful. :)

  2. It's a fab notebook cover, I bet Jen loves it. She can write down all her sewing ideas for when she's ready and able to sew again. I do hope we all get to meet soon. It's my first Bee too and I'm so glad I joined too!!

  3. Your block and the notebook are beautiful. I like the trick of joining the dots. I hadn't noticed.
    I know Jen is still keen to host us as soon as she can.

  4. Oh no, poor Jen - what an unfortunate thing to happen. I hope she's on the mend and you get to have your quilty weekend soon. I'm sure she'd be delighted with her wall hanging, and her book cover too - it's gorgeous.
    Have a happy weekend, and enjoy the sunshine :-)

  5. Thank you dear Julie, I love your quilty notebook and your block - very clever. Yes it will be a while before I can write but am getting more movement every day. I'm definitely up for trying to host again (before we leave London) and promise to have the shopping delivered next time!


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