Sunday 2 February 2014

January in Pictures

It's February! Yay! The longest, darkest month of the year is over, and I for one am looking forward to Spring. Looking back at what I achieved during January, it seems that there are a lot of works in progress, but not a lot of finishes.
Note to self for February: Start less and finish more!!
The biggest achievement of the month was the economy block quilt top, pictured above. It's made entirely with scraps. Don't you just love it when something good comes from the scraps!

Second on the list is three block tutorials:
The card trick block

The economy block

and a curved piecing block

All the tutorials can be found in the Block Buster Sunday tab at the top of the page.

I also finished the penultimate strip for the Strip Bee that I'm in.
Only sneak peeks allowed, and its a bit blurry, but this is a tiny bit of my strip. I think I'm in love with text prints at the moment

The only proper finish of the month was a knitted one, a cardigan for me!

The aim for February is to have a few more finishes, and they'll probably be the small and cute kind. My great niece is due to be born in a week or so's time!

Linking up with Fresh Sewing Day over at Lily's Quilts

Lily's Quilts
And Fairy Face Designs

FairyFace Designs


  1. Great quilt top, all from scraps even better :)

  2. Love the scrap quilt and looks like you have gotten lots accomplished . Such motivation for me.

  3. Brilliant achievements, the quilt is gorgeous, love that your scraps all tone so well! Lovely bee strip too.

  4. You have done really well Julie, it takes time to create a masterpiece! you have finished a whole adult cardigan that in itself is a great achievement. Well done on solving Linda's dilemma, I would never have thought of it! :)

  5. You are my favourite person in the whole world today. Blanket,cut,worked and finished all thanks to you xxx

  6. Just love your economy block. You have extended a bit more than most and it looks amazing

  7. What brilliant finishes! I love the economy blocks top!

  8. That economy block quilt is lovely and I think I spy one of my fabrics in there! Beautiful cardigan too, it looks so soft and warm... I have given up on knitting now..I think I've had to accept it's not really for me!

  9. Great projects, I love the economy block quilt top, it loos so great!


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