Wednesday 10 July 2013

Feeling Thankful

I feel very fortunate. The weather here has been glorious for the last few days, and I have been able to enjoy it, pretty much as I choose.
I've spent quality time with family and friends, and done some sewing.
I've been able to enjoy my garden to the full.....

and pick fresh, organic raspberries, strawberries, black currants and mange tout - one of my favourite delights of the summer!

And then on Saturday a Facebook post made me think "I am so fortunate!
The post was from LILY (Love in the Language of Yarn) asking for more knitted squares for blankets for refugee children.
This is what they said:

Our blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different countries around the wold. They provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to Syrian refugee children who have been made homeless by war and will send a message of concern and hope. Your participation is important in sending this message of hope, the thought that someone cares, that this beautiful, handmade blanket was created especially for them. It doesn't really matter what it looks like: even the most basic knitted blanket patterns will yield perfect results – a smile.
Please consider making a square or two, any spare wool you have can be knitted, crocheted or woven into eight inch squares and then we'll stitch them all together into a blanket. We get together every week to sew the squares together into blankets so that a child with nothing gets a warm and colourful, cover for their bed!"

Of course I had to knit some squares!! How could I not!

They didn't take long - I was able to sit and knit outside, enjoying the garden at the same time, so if you have a little spare time and would like to contribute some  8 "squares, I'm sure they would be appreciated.
The address to send them to is:  LILY c/o Dianne Jones
                                                Turkmen Mahlesi
                                                Unlu Sokak No 10  D4

And incase you're wondering, it cost me £3.50 to send these three squares to Turkey, which I will admit is quite a lot, but what price do you put on some warmth and comfort for a child who has had their world turned upside down? Maybe even more importantly, it's £3.50 to let them know that someone, somewhere, maybe in a far off land, cares about their plight and is willing o give time and effort to help them. You can't put a price on that!

The squares can be knit or crocheted however you prefer. You can of course just knit straight rows, but if you want to knit the diagonal square as I have done. It gives a nice finished edge to the square and the increasing and then decreasing makes it more interesting to knit

Cast on 2sts
Knit into the front and back of the first stitch, Knit 1    (3sts)
Next Row: Knit into the front and back of the first stitch, Knit 2    (4sts)
Next Row: Knit into the front and back of the first stitch, Knit to end    
  Repeat until the side edge measures 8"  (I was using double knit yarn and 3.75mm needles and for me       this was when I had 60 stitched on my needle)
Next Row: Knit
Next Row: Knit 2 together, knit to end
Repeat this row until you have just 2 sts left.
Next Row: Knit 2 together, cut yarn and sew in ends.

Remember, they accept knitted or crocheted squares, and you'll make someone's life a tiny bit happier :) 


  1. A great post. I sent mine a while back and it felt really good

  2. Your garden finds look so delicious.

  3. My raspberries and blackberries aren't ripe yet but it looks like it will be a good crop. I wish there was a British based charity who could take these squares out there, then we could help so much more, I have been making baby items for them too and of course more squares, the situation is heart breaking :)

  4. Sweet squares, and for a good cause.

  5. Well done for knitting some squares! Isn't it great now that summer fruits are here? This week I've made black currant ice cream and raspberry cheesecake, for visitors, all with fruit from the garden. Makes cheesecake feel positively virtuous ;-)

  6. This is such an important cause and I know your squares will be much appreciated. I can't knit myself but I know someone who can (my dear friend who purchases your patterns no less) so I shall forward this to her, and hopefully she will be able to help. Thank you for raising awareness of the plight of those less fortunate than ourselves.


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