Wednesday 20 March 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Welcome to my second Wishful Wednesday post. This is where I show you what I would make if we lived in a world with a million and one hours in the week. There is a mixture of sewing, knitting and crochet and this week three of the items have free tutorials or patterns, so if you like them too, you may want to have a go!
First up is this gorgeous crochet blanket. I have promised myself that I will actually make this, as it would be a wonderful stash buster. I'm not sure I have enough bright colours in my stash, but hey, we all know how to fix that, don't we!!
It is called the Groovy-Ghan (what a brilliant name!) and the free pattern can be found on Marinke's blog "A Creative Being" here
She's used Stylecraft Special DK which is an economy yarn and is widely available. You can buy it online at Deramores
I really do hope my crochet skills are up to this as it is just so bright and colourful, I know it would fill me with happiness just wielding my crochet hook through all those scrummy balls of yarn.
Easter is only a couple of weeks away and these little chicks would be great for hiding chocolate eggs. Again the pattern is free and is on Ravelry
I have seen these knitted up and on sale for charity around Easter time for the last few years in my corner newsagents. I've always resisted the temptation to buy them, thinking that I could so easily make them myself. The fact that I'm posting them here is testament to the fact that I've never yet found the time!! Maybe this will be the year.
My next Wishful Wednesday project is a beautiful quilt . This design is called a string quilt because the pieces that you use to make the block are long and thin like a piece of string. Again, a great way to use up all the scraps. The quilt is paper pieced, meaning that you sew the pieces right onto a paper pattern and then tear the paper away at the end. I've only done paper piecing a couple of times on small projects and I'm not sure how I feel about it - it's the tearing the paper away at the end that I don't enjoy very much, but I know a lot of people really like this method, so I should make the effort to give it another go.
The tutorial for making this is over on  Film in the Fridge blog. She is one of the first bloggers I followed and never fails to inspire.
If I ever get round to making one of these I shall include plenty of white or neutral strips like this

so that the colours don't overewhelm each other and the prints are shown off to greatest effect. I think I shall also have to make the strips in each quarter segment of the blocks the same width, as they are in this second string quilt. (again from Film in the Fridge and  tutorial is  here  I'm too much of a control freak to go with "wonky", random width strings.
My final project for this wonderful "million and one hours week" would be from a book "Doodle Stitching Embroidery and Beyond" by Aimee Ray. I have often thought of buying her previous books which have modern embroidery designs in them, but this one includes different types of embroidery, such as crewel work.
I would so love working the embroidery around the little felt applique pieces on this Babuska doll.
If you fancy dabbling in a little embroidery too, there is a giveaway raffle you can enter to win one of these books at Wild Olive's blog
Phew! Now I've just made an imaginary throw, quilt, half a dozen Easter chicks and a babuska doll, I think it's time to grab a coffee, put my feet up and start thinking about next week's projects!
Happy crafting everyone :)
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  1. I've had my eye on that Groovy Ghan for a while too! Its bigger than projects I'm used to but maybe I'll work up to it!

  2. I like the groovy ghan too, it would be fun to try it out. I have been making those chickens for work, raising funds for our Unit, people love them because they are really cute. I can make one in 20 mins haha

  3. Unos trabajos muy bonito s y originales . Enhorabuena por tu blog , hay mucho arte .Un saludo


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