Wednesday 13 March 2013

Wishful Wednesday

Welcome to my first Wishful Wednesday!
What is this all about I hear you asking?
Well, describing the start of a normal day for me might be the best way of explaining it.
I wake up at ridiculous-o'-clock, I reach for my iPhone and I read my emails, check my pattern sales on Etsy and Craftsy and stalk a few folks in blogland. I see what they are making, and I love it!
I go and make a cup of tea, take it back to bed, pick up the phone again and I probably go next to Pinterest to see what new crafty things have been pinned. I'm bombarded by a thousand and one good ideas - all of which spark an idea (or two or five!!) in my head. By the time I get into the shower my head is buzzing with so many things I want to knit, sew, quilt, crochet, design that I'm mentally exhausted by breakfast!! (Ha! who would have thought surfing the net could be so tiring!)
I couldn't possibly make all the  things going round in my head. Sometimes I want to make it just as I see it, sometimes it sparks an idea for something else, sometimes I see a fabric and I know just what I would make with it. So Wishful Wednesday is going to be a weekly post about the things I would like to make each week if I lived in an, oh! so blissful, magical land where time was infinite.
Hopefully, if you follow each Wednesday you will get to know what I love and maybe it will spark some ideas for your own crafting. There will be a good mix of all the "stitchy" crafts, so there should be something for everyone.
If you too are a Pinterest fanatic, then  this is me
Right then, first up, I would love to be able to make the little crochet hat and cardie above. I would make the short sleeve version. I'm not sure what weight yarn it uses, so I can't actually pick one out, but I would probably use a lighter grey than the one shown, with a deeper pink flower, in organic cotton if I could. This one really is wishful thinking because my crochet skills are still pretty basic, to say the least, but I live in hope that with practise I'll improve. The pattern can be bought from Yarn Blossom Boutique on Etsy
Secondly, I would make a quilt like this:
I couldn't find the original source to give credit to its maker, but it's on my Pinterest page, if you can do a better job of tracking it than me. It is just simple half square triangles, but it's the colours that make it so wonderful- they're fresh and not too feminine, so it would fit with a wide range of decor. Sometimes less is more.
For my knitting project this week I would love to make these gloves
Aren't they cute! These are sold on Etsy as a finished item from this seller. Foxes can be found everywhere at the moment (and I don't mean the real ones!) They are on fabric, scrapbook paper, knitted hats - so why not gloves, too. I think it would be quite easy to adapt a plain mitten knitting pattern to make a pair similar to these. I'll let you know if I do it!!
Finally, I think I've room for one more project in my imaginary world this week, and it would be this gorgeous children's dress
I don't have any young  children or grandchildren to make it for, and it's probably a little over the top for a charity make, but I just fell in love with those bird pockets, and so, surely, must any little girl!
The pattern is available here. It's a PDF for you to download and print at home and comes in a size range from 12 months to 9/10 years. I've made items from quite a few "print at home" PDFs clothing patterns and I think they're wonderful. They are a great excuse to hoard a large and varied stash of fabric so that when you find THE must-have pattern for you, you can buy it, print it and start making it all in the same evening!
I love the blues this dress is made in, but I can see this in a whole range of soft prints from high quality Liberty lawns to cheap and cheerful poly cottons. Maybe it will end up as one of my charity makes after all!!
I hope you enjoyed my first Wishful Wednesday. Come back next week if you did! ..........Julie


  1. Good morning Julie, great idea, I enjoyed reading your wishful Wednesday post, I think my favourite is the little dress I would love to make something like that but my sewing skills aren't that good. My problem is my to do list it's huge it would take me 20 years to get through it. :)

  2. I can relate to having too many ideas while surfing through the internet. I guess that is why we don´t stop making projects. Overestimulatinog? maybe...But it is fun too!
    Lovely ideas! Thanks for sharing...


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