Monday 1 October 2012


Wow! It's October already, and time for Blogtoberfest. This is being hosted by Kat at I Saw You Dancing. The idea is that you challenge yourself to write a blog post every day throughout October.

As it says on her blog, the aims are to :
* challenge yourself to blog every day for 31 days
* discover kindred blogging spirits
* carve out a tiny slice of time each day to write and to read
* share any creative projects you have on the go
* host a giveaway, if you feel inclined to spread the love
There are over 200 participants so far!

For me, this will be a very big challenge indeed! I write plenty of blog posts in my head, but not a lot of them materialise in blogland.
Realistically I don't think I'll make the 31, but I'll give it my best shot, and we'll see in a month's time how well I've done.
It's going to be a busy month - I'm in the middle of decorating a bedroom, I have the garden and veg plot to tidy up ready for the winter, I have two new knitting patterns in my head that just need writing up and testing, and a whole load of samples to make for a talk that I'm giving early in November, but Hey Ho, nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say..

To help me have a focus for these blog posts I'm thinking of making a couple of quilts for Linus - one totally scrappy and one with some simple rotary cut blocks. I think making and sharing my progress  with you on these will actually take less time than me procrastinating over finding something different to write about each day.
I just hope I make it past Day 2 !!
If you want to join in the fun, just sign up here


  1. Well done Julie! I look forward to your daily posts - that's a great idea to make a quilt too.
    Have fun at Blogtoberfest! (Love the name!)


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