Tuesday 15 May 2012

A New Venture

I'm about to start on a new exciting venture!
I find that I just can't stop making quilts, and have so many ideas in my head that I've decided to start selling patterns for quilts, as well as the quilts themselves, on Etsy.
I decided it would be a bad idea to put them in the LoveFibres shop, as I really like the unified look that it now has, so I'm starting a new shop - Mack and Mabel
The other thing I'm going to do is combine my lovefibres blog with this one, so you will find both knitting and quilting related items here. I will move my free patterns over and add some quilting tutorials, as well as continuing to show you what I've been making for charity and for family and friends.
I do hope you will follow my new blog, and let me know what you think of it - good and bad!
Let the fun begin!

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I love to hear from you!