Wednesday 1 May 2013

A Quilt Finish

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Yay! Ive finished another quilt. A very pink and girly quilt!
 This is made with just one jelly roll - Coquette by Chez Moi for Moda and some Kona Snow.
It came together really quickly. I didn't even spend ages arranging and re-arranging the blocks as I usually do - they just sort of fell into place first time round.
The backing is even more pink.... and I used the remaining strips of jelly roll to make a scrappy binding.

It is quilted with a simple straight line quilting 1/4" away from the seam lines.
When I bought the jelly roll, I didn't realise quite how pink it was. Too pink for this house and I don't yet have any "girly" relatives to give it too, so I think this would be a good quilt to donate to Siblings Together
As it's Wednesday, I also have a couple of Wishful Wednesday projects to share with you (the things I would like to make if I had a magical unlimited amount of time!)
First up is a knitted shawlette
Although I wasn't keen on them at first, shawlettes have grown on me over time.They are a quick way to dress up the jeans and T shirt that I'm wearing, when I'm off out and running late - a bad habit of mine!!
This is a free pattern and the equivalent yarn for UK knitters would be any aran weight yarn
And secondly, I have this crochet butterfly to show you.
I really must try and make time to have a go at these - I know they wouldn't take long. Again a free pattern (UK terminology) and you can find it here
The Le Challenge theme this month is wings - I've already planned my entry, but a few of these might just find their way into the photograph too! If I can tear myself away from the garden sunshine we have at the moment, that is...
I hope you like my pattern choices this week, and that the spring sunshine is filling you with energy and enthusiasm too.
Till next time..............Julie
Linking up with Fresh Sewing Day

Lily's Quilts


  1. A perfect girl quilt for Siblings Together! You've just reminded me that I really need to get on with my Le Challenge make too. Popping by from Lynne's.

  2. Your quilt is lovely. Congrats on the finish! And those knitting projects are beautiful. I hope you have time to make them :)

  3. Very sweet quilt which will make a lovely contribution to Siblings Together. I finished my Le Challenge wings project on Sunday.

  4. Such a pretty quilt. I love the butterfly I might give it a go although my crochet skills are limited. Sarah x

  5. That quilt will be a very generous charity donation. I wish I had the patience for quilting.

  6. Great quilt and I love that shawlette pattern!

  7. Wow, that quilt is just wonderful! I love your other projects too, especially the butterfly!
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com


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